The Mendelson side of my family has been in the paper business for generations, which likely explains my love for physical books and magazines. Reading on paper is a sensory experience––from the feel of the stock to the sound when you flip the pages, there is a certain pleasure that I don’t find in the digital efficiency of e-readers…unlike my husband and several of my friends.
Since most of my day is spent working at my computer reading and writing, when it comes to my personal time, it’s all about words in print. Fortunately, today books come in formats that everyone can enjoy, as do these two inspiring and empowering recommendations by two bad-ass authors, that came across our desks––ok, screens––at hertelier.
Insubordinate: 12 New Archetypes for Women Who Lead by Jocelyn Davis
Our first selection, Insubordinate: 12 New Archetypes for Women Who Lead, a new book by the bestselling author of The Art of Quiet Influence and internationally acclaimed leadership expert Jocelyn Davis, empowers women to break free of patriarchal stereotypes that limit their potential by embracing the lessons of twelve ancient female archetypes—refreshed and reimagined for the twenty-first century.
Having been called “insubordinate” more than once in my life, it’s inspiring how Jocelyn’s own story of “insubordination” teaches women today to stand up to the “patriarchal giants” stymying their lives. And there’s a quiz!!!
Don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good quiz! Jocelyn’s is designed to help women find their own archetype—and how to use this self-awareness to redefine preconceived notions of their roles at work and at home. Just to pique your curiosity, among these archetypes; Empath, Mesmerist, Temptress, Amazon, Witch, Jestress …very cool and an interesting read!!!
Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work, by Randi Braun
Something Major: The New Playbook for Women at Work, by Randi Braun, CEO of the leadership coaching and advisory firm, Something Major, combines entertaining stories with tactical tools and deep research, empowering women to chart their own course to the top.
A thought leader who has been featured by Forbes, The Washington Post, Parents Magazine, Thrive Global, and The Chicago Tribune, Randi recognizes that women are natural leaders, but we've been taught to play the game by an outdated set of rules that have left too few of us in positions of leadership and too many of us unhappy at work (with a bad case of "low work libido" to boot).
Fun, friendly, and pleasantly conversational, Randi’s playbook shows us how to play the leadership game on our own terms and win! Whether it’s cracking the code on self-doubt by ditching perfectionism, external validation, and the tyranny of our own inner critic; or learning new tactics for owning your message --don’t miss 16 things she forbids you to say at work--Randi’s book provides a fresh take on one of the most tremendous challenges of our time: empowering women at work to chart their own course to the top!
“When you educate a woman, you set her free. Had I not had books and education in Mississippi, I would have believed that’s all there was.” –Oprah