May 21, 2024
Barbara Muckermann Breaks New Ground as First Female CEO of Kempinski Hotels
Barbara Muckermann is the first female CEO of Kempinski Hotels, joining during a period of significant expansion and growth for the brand.

Mar 11, 2024
Just the Good Stuff for Emilie Hoyt, CEO of LATHER
Debilitating migraines inspired Emilie Hoyt to explore natural ingredients and start LATHER in 1999. Here's how she built her business.

Dec 4, 2023
SHAZAM! The Unexpected Superpowers of Female Founders
Female Founders in Hospitality surveyed their members...and SHAZAM! the results revealed the incredible superpowers of these entrepreneurs.

Oct 2, 2023
Guiding Lights: Julie Arrowsmith, President and CEO of G6 Hospitality
From crunching numbers in the corporate world to leading G6 Hospitality as CEO, Julie Arrowsmith is shining a light for women to follow.

Apr 28, 2023
Breaking News: Hyatt to Acquire Mr & Mrs Smith--Exclusive Quote from Tamara Lohan, Co-Founder + CEO
Celebrating with Tamara Lohan, Co-Founder + CEO of Mr & Mrs Smith on the sale of the company to Hyatt. She shares her 20-year journey.

Apr 26, 2023
Meet the Woman Predicting the Future of Travel: Jenny Southan, Founder & CEO, Globetrender
Wondering what is next? Meet the woman predicting the future of travel, Jenny Southan, Founder & CEO, Gloebtrender.

Apr 6, 2023
Mandy Farmer, CEO, Accent Inns on How to Create a Caring Workplace Culture
From a "Care Bear" executive team to a Shaggin' Wagon, Mandy Farmer leads in her own way and it really works. She shares why and how.

Jan 24, 2023
Inspiring Look at the Super Women of Norway Through Travel
A new tour by Up Norway shines a light on gender equality by focusing on female stories throughout the country.