Earlier this month Women in Travel Thrive held an online panel with leaders from across travel in EMEA: Tara Colpitts, Expedia Group, Louise Karu, Uber for Business, Sue Kelly, ARI, Sumathi Ramanathan, Expo2020, Miriam Ryan, DAA, and Joanne Taylor-Stagg, Athenaeum Hotel & Residences. It was an inspiring discussion followed by a meditation session and speed networking with over 100 participants.
Focus on what you can control. Work on the elements you can, and don’t worry about things (i.e. like a global pandemic) that are beyond your scope of influence.
Your resilience will surprise you…keep going and use your support system.
It is good to be a “jack of all trades” and not necessarily a master of one. Collaboration is essential n a crisis, you will need to pitch in everywhere, it’s OK not to be the expert in everything and you don’t even have to be a master at anything.
Lean into your values. When you are pushed to make decisions, make sure whatever you decide matches what is important to you at your core.
Find balance. You need to focus on your own well-being to be your best self for others and your organization.
Ultimately the panelists agreed that understanding, positivity, and support are key to moving forward and thriving. Know your skillset, be open to learning, have confidence in yourself and you will THRIVE.
Women in Travel Thrive is a growing network of engaged women in hospitality, it is free to join and they offer ongoing opportunities for education and mentorship with groups in the US, EMEA, and a new Asia chapter. Learn more here.