“What Makes a Great Boss?” was one of the first topics I unpacked on hertelier over three years ago. It wasn’t a generalization…it was based on my personal experience, but I chose to leave his name out, as well as the company where we worked. Felt it was the politically correct thing to do, although I did send it to him and said, “this is about you, my friend!”

His name was Dick Pinkham, we worked together at CBS and he was my boss…long before empathy and compassion became recognized as valuable leadership skills. His ability to understand and share the feelings of his team was a real trust builder…inspiring loyalty and creating an incredibly positive work environment. Which is likely why we all stayed connected, long after our department was decimated by corporate politics.
Yesterday, I learned from a friend who found out on Facebook that Dick had passed away on October 19th. She assumed I already knew, but I didn’t. What added to the shock was that he called to wish me a Happy Birthday just 5 days earlier and we spoke about trying to get together for lunch next time I was in NYC. Although he did sound tired, as we went through our respective “organ recitals,” he didn’t mention any serious health issues. All I could learn about his passing was that he died peacefully. “And isn’t that all that really matters,” I said to myself.

Had I known his birthday call would be the last time we would ever speak, I asked myself whether I would I have done or said anything different. Every time we connected, either in person or in cyberspace, I told him how much he meant to me and what a positive force he was in my life…so no. Over the years I have learned how important it is to tell the people you value how important they are.
Whether he consciously or unconsciously knew he was going to pass away really doesn’t matter, because I am so honored to be among the people he chose to reach out to before he did.
RIP Dick Pinkham… outstanding boss, ally and dear friend. You left the world a better place.