As a cat-loving, child free woman, I must grudgingly credit JD Vance for turning the age-old trope about “childless cat ladies” from an insult into a battle cry and badge of honor.
And now I shall speak of him no more, because we here at hertelier try to steer clear politics…hard as it is, especially during an election year! Although please indulge me while I get this out – WHAT AN @HOLE!

Actually…this isn’t really about politics, it’s about misogyny, misinformation, stereotyping and just plain stupidity. Let’s get one thing perfectly clear, “Cat owners come from all walks of life, ages and family structures, representing diverse demographics…” according to Mark Travers, Ph.D., in his article for Forbes, A Psychologist Debunks The ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Myth.
As a matter of fact, “A 2019 study revealed that cat owners are no more depressed, anxious or inclined to relationship issues than dog owners or those without pets, dispelling the myth of the “crazy cat lady,” continues Travers.
“There is something about the independence of cats, something I like about them, which can be linked with a suspicion of independent women,” said Alice Madicott, whose book “Cat Women” prods the “crazy cat lady” stereotype. “A woman that chooses an animal that is arguably never entirely tamed is to be suspected of being untameable herself,” from an article for CNN by Scottie Andrew, How ‘Cat Lady’ Became an Insult for Women of a Certain Age.

Susan Michals, founder of the popular cat-centric convention CatCon. told CNN,
“Anyone who is using ‘cat lady’ in a negative way is assuming a woman who loves her cat does not also have a rich, full life that includes friendships, career, and meaningful interests,” Look no further than billionaire, Taylor Swift…owning 3 cats hasn’t seemed to diminish her global appeal!

The legion of cat and cat lady supporters is strong: Cats are second only to dogs as America’s most popular pet — over 37 million US households own a cat, according to 2022 statistics from the American Veterinary Medical Association. And one can never underestimate the power of loyal Swifties who align to defend their idol and her furry loves,” adds Scottie Andrew.
“I am patient with stupidity but not with those who are proud of it,” said British poet and critic, Dame Edith Louisa Sitwell. To her point, there is something so gratifying when stupidity backfires on people who are proud of it!
And now it’s time to feed my cats! 🐾 🐾